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Information: Coronavirus【コロナウィルス】

ページID:0275661 掲載日:2020年2月18日更新 印刷ページ表示

About the novel Coronavirus

In Japan, there are already confirmed cases of infection from the new strain of Corona Virus that originated in Wuhan City in central China.

For latest information: NHK World Japan (Coronavirus)

Take Preventive Measures

Take measures to protect yourself from germs, such as:


In Case of Symptoms

Please visit a medical institution for a checkup as quickly as possible.

medical care

Dealing with Language Barriers

If you have any difficulty to communicate in japanese, please contact Aichi Multicultural Center.

Aichi Multicultural Center
TEL: 052-961-7902     FAX: 052-961-8045     E-mail: sodan@aia.pref.aichi.jp
Address: 460-0001 Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Sannomaru 2-6-1 
             Aichi Pref. Gov. Sannomaru Annex Bldg., 1F

Spoken languages
English, Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Nepali, Filipino/Tagalog


Other Language

やさしい日本語 中文 English Português Español Tiếng Việt Bahasa Indonesia ภาษาไทย 한국어 မြန်မာဘာသာ

For other language, please click the Google Translation button on the right side above of the page.

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