Aichis Delicious Products(English)

Aichi’s Delicious Products Are Based on Tasty Ingredients
Blessed with a mild climate and rich water resources, Aichi has prosperous agriculture, forestry and fisheries that deserve much wider recognition.
Naturally, Aichi has its own distinctive and very enjoyable food culture, including Nagoya-meshi (local cuisine unique to Nagoya) and akamiso (dark-brown miso). As an additional pleasure, we advise savoring the ingredients themselves!
Farm experience / Tourist farms
Aichi Prefecture has many facilities that offer opportunities to experience farm activities.
Freshly picked vegetables and fruit taste so good!
Why not enjoy a special tour?
Savor locally-grown foodstuffs at restaurants in Aichi!
Aichi Prefecture has many restaurants that serve savory dishes using locally-grown ingredients.
Agricultural, forestry, and fishery products from Aichi Prefecture
Aichi Prefecture produces many tasty products, including Nagoya Cochin chicken, cabbages, carrots, oranges, grapes, figs, ginkgo nuts, littleneck clams, eels, and Japanese tiger prawns.
Recommended gifts
How about purchasing tasty Aichi products as gifts?
Before taking agricultural products out of Japan, please check the relevant quarantine requirements by destination and item.